Mr. Cochran and Mr. Carlos

Mr. Cochran and Mr. Carlos

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Blog Accounts and Passwords

Directions for creating a blog site

How to set up your school blog site.
Remember, you do not have to use There are other blog sites on the internet. It’s just the one that I started working with and seems easy to use. Let use know if you find better sites!

1st, open the internet and go to the website
Click on the orange arrow and follow the directions
You will need to type in an e mail address. We have provided new school email accounts for all elementary classes. See below for you specific address and passwords.
You need to enter a display name. This is something that identifies your class blog site. For example, I use “AST Elementary Tech Lab”
Type in the word verification you will see at the bottom of the screen.
Check the box for acceptance of terms.
You might have to type your password several times.

Now, hopefully you are on step 2
Make a Blog Title
Example: I used “AST Elementary Tech Lab” again.
You will be asked for a Blog Address (URL) I chose the suggested one. Probably make it similar to your blog title.
Now the fun stuff: Choose a template
Then you will see a screen saying “You blog has been created!”
Click on Start posting!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We have a school blog site. Oct 31st.

We made it! The 3C class of Ms. Klooster posted thier favorite writing sample so far this year.
There are about 25 posts, all students could get on the blog site at the same time, and make their post.
Hopefully there are many more school blog sites to come.
The blogger address is : and the pass is 3camschool.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oct 25th
Talked with Jose Manuel yesterday. I can get classroom e mail addresses like this example.

the next step is to talk with one of the teachers, probablySarah K and see if we can put a writing sample on the website.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oct 24th
It's been a few days, and I have not thought much about it.
I've been doing quarter grades, and exporting them to Roy.
I still need to talk w/ Jose M to see if I can get some e mail addresses at for the various classes, then have students start adding their work to the site.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Oct 19th, now I am on another class computer and it looks like several students can have the same website open at the same time, and make entries.
Friday, Oct. 19th
Today there will be a tech meeting in our elementary lab, and I am planning to talk about the possibility of having class blog sites, like 5A, 5B, and 5C all having a class blog site that each student can enter portfolio work, or writing samples.
Then parents can view them from home.
The teacher can also publish their weekly newsletters on the blog site.
What's your thoughts?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oct. 16th
After a 3 day holiday from school, I am back working with the blog site for students.
There isn't much else I can think of to do now becasue I need to get students started on using it.
I will have them post some of their plant research.
Which reminds me, I probably need a new e mail address as I want the students to use a school e mail address, not my personal account.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Adding student work.. Daniel K

Oct. 12th second entry.

Now I want to insert a photo or piece of student work....

Oct. 12th
Today I am writing in Word then importing the file into the blog site. That way I can have students work at home, or in class, and insert their blog into the site as a finished, edited product.
I notice that I have to do my formating in the blog site. I can't format text (size 20 Catchup) then import the text.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

October 11th,
I edited the profile on this website, and yesterday I made a wiki site on wiki spaces.
I talked with the 5th grade teachers about students making entries on this or another blog site.
We are thinking of Plants as a research topic.
I would probably have the students write their research in Word, then copy and paste it into the blog site.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Oct. 10th
I worked on getting a free wiki site, but the one I wanted
I couldn't seem to register. I will try again tomorrow.
It's a good week for this kind of exploration as Jo is giving Plato Math tests all this week.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Oct. 9th announcements

this is the afternoon of Oct. 9th, Jo and I are eating lunch and trying to figure out how to make an effective blog site.
I just edited the post.
This is my post for Oct 9th, still practicing.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Ast Elementary Blog Site!

The AST Elementary Blog site!

Oct. 8th. What I am trying to do is set up an elementary blog site so that all of my elementary students can use the blog site.